Keynote Speaker

People say: Magda is an accessible and engaging speaker and a role model for people who are trans

People say: Magda is an accessible & engaging speaker and a role model for people who are trans

Magda Stęga:
Transforming Workplaces Through LGBTQ+ Inclusion

As a recognized DEI practitioner, HR leader, and public speaker, I offer powerful keynote presentations that drive meaningful change in organizational culture. My experiences as a trans woman, combined with my expertise in LGBTQ+ workplace inclusion, provide a unique perspective that resonates with diverse audiences.

Why Choose Magda Stęga as Your Keynote Speaker?

  • Forbes Women Top 25 Influencer
  • TEDx speaker
  • Presented to the European Parliament and Commission
  • Extensive experience in creating inclusive workplaces for LGBTQ+ individuals
  • Delivered impactful speeches at OutBritain conference in London and companies like Ratepay in Berlin

Keynote Format

20-minute keynote speeches in the style of TEDx talks, perfect for making a lasting impact at conferences, corporate events, and workshops.

Keynote Topics

  • Creating Safe and Inclusive Workplaces for LGBTQ+ Employees
  • The Power of Authenticity: My Journey as a Trans Woman in the Corporate World
  • Beyond Allyship: Actionable Steps for LGBTQ+ Inclusion
  • Intersectionality and LGBTQ+ Experiences in the Workplace
  • Transforming Company Culture: The Business Case for LGBTQ+ Inclusion

Benefits for Event Organizers

  • Elevate your event’s profile with a Forbes Women Top 25 Influencer and TEDx speaker
  • Deliver cutting-edge insights on LGBTQ+ inclusion from a recognized expert
  • Engage your audience with powerful, personal stories that drive home the importance of diversity and inclusion
  • Provide actionable strategies that attendees can implement immediately
  • Demonstrate your commitment to diversity by featuring a prominent trans voice
  • Spark meaningful conversations and inspire positive change within your organization
  • Enhance your event’s international appeal with a speaker who has addressed the European Parliament
  • Benefit from a seasoned public speaker known for engaging and interactive presentations
  • Receive tailored content that aligns with your event’s specific goals and audience needs
  • Showcase your organization’s forward-thinking approach to diversity and inclusion

What to expect?

Magda’s keynote presentations are:

  • Engaging and interactive
  • Filled with personal stories and practical insights
  • Tailored to your organization’s specific needs and goals
  • Focused on actionable strategies for fostering inclusion

Watch Magda Inspire and Motivate!

Media Appearances

Magda has been featured in various media outlets and events, including:

  • Vogue
  • PBF Voices 2023
  • V Tranzu
  • The 9th International East Meets West Conference
  • #60 Rozmowy Regeneracyjne
  • #40 HR Podcast
  • Skill Sprint
  • Kobiety objaśniają świat
  • The Queerness Diaries

Book Magda for Your Event

Transform your organization’s approach to LGBTQ+ inclusion with a powerful keynote presentation. Magda delivers engaging 20-minute speeches in the style of TEDx talks, perfect for making a lasting impact at conferences, corporate events, and workshops.


To book Magda for your event:

1. Schedule a consultation call via Calendly

2. Email directly at

Please provide the following information when reaching out:

  • Event date and location
  • Type of event (conference, corporate workshop, etc.)
  • Expected audience size and composition
  • Specific topic or focus area you’re interested in

Magda will respond promptly to discuss how she can contribute to your event and help create a more inclusive workplace for all.

Panel Discussions and Charity Engagement

Magda Stęga is passionate about fostering growth and support within the LGBTQ+ community. In addition to her keynote speaking engagements, she is available for participation in discussion panels organized by charity organizations and foundations dedicated to advancing LGBTQ+ rights and inclusion.

Why Invite Magda to Your Panel?

  • Expertise and Experience: With a background as a DEI practitioner and public speaker, Magda brings valuable insights into the challenges and triumphs of the LGBTQ+ community.
  • Engaging Presence: Known for her ability to connect with audiences, Magda fosters open dialogue and encourages meaningful discussions around LGBTQ+ issues.
  • Commitment to Advocacy: Magda is dedicated to supporting organizations that work tirelessly to uplift and empower LGBTQ+ individuals.

Flexible Participation Options

To ensure that her insights are accessible to organizations with limited budgets, Magda offers her participation in these panels either for free or at a discounted rate. This commitment reflects her belief in the importance of advocacy and support for the LGBTQ+ community.


Magda was our guest speaker at our 2023 Coming Out Day event in October, the central theme of which was ‘Creating an inclusive workplace’. It was a real pleasure to have her with us and hear her valuable insights into how we can make our workplace more inclusive for our transgender colleagues and create safe spaces for everyone. Thank you, Magda, for sharing your personal story and experiences with us and inspiring us to do better every day!

Alison Coyard, Administrative manager, European Parliament

Magda was a guest speaker during one of the Pride events organised by the Spectrum Employee Resource Group. Her amazing energy and openness to share her journey and story is truly inspiring. She had a great approach when giving the presentation on supporting trans employees in the workplace in English, was open to questions and did a wonderful job at explaining the obstacles one might face when transitioning. She has an ease at making human connections and finds great ways of explaining trans issues for people with very little background in the subject.

Paweł Ratajczak, HRBP, GSK

Magda was an invited speaker at a FLINTA* Panel hosted by Zalando for Berlin Pride Month 2023. Magda was a true professional during the organisation process, offering her insights and valuable experience when deciding on the topics we would discuss at the event. During the panel itself Magda was very generous to share with the large audience her personal experiences and learnings which she delivered in a very clear and engaging manner. During the networking after Magda chatted with many people and even started the dancing to our live DJ! THANK YOU again Magda for your contribution and being YOU, I hope we can collaborate again in the future!

Helen Collins, Senior Merchandise Planning Manager, Zalando SE

I met Magda when she gave a speach @Stuart focused on how we as cis people can be better allies for our transgender folks at the workplace. It was not only very informative and engaging but also helped me understand how world looks like through Magda’s lens. After that, Magda agreed to meet with me and record a short follow-up answering the questions we did not have time to address during her main speach so we could share it with the rest of the company. As a member of LGBTQ+ community I found working with her eye opening in many areas. I’m so excited to see where she will get next! I can recommend working with Magda and inviting her to your company if you wish to raise awareness on various queer topics and how we can all work to make tomorrow better than today ✨

Rafał Witczak, Software Engineer, Travel Perk

The Changing Face of Workplace Diversity: Understanding Gen Z LGBTQ+ Talent

Recent data from The Trevor Project reveals a significant shift in the LGBTQ+ workforce landscape: 48% of LGBTQ+ youth identify as transgender or non-binary. This statistic has profound implications for organizations and their talent attraction strategies.

Why This Matters?

  • Gen Z is entering the workforce in growing numbers, bringing with them diverse gender identities and expectations for inclusive workplaces.
  • Traditional approaches to LGBTQ+ inclusion may not fully address the needs of transgender and non-binary employees.
  • Companies that adapt to this changing demographic will have a competitive edge in attracting and retaining top talent.

Beyond Acceptance: The Need for Understanding and Integration

For organizations looking to attract and retain Gen Z LGBTQ+ talent, particularly transgender and non-binary individuals, mere acceptance is no longer sufficient. 

Companies must:

  • Develop a deep understanding of diverse gender identities and expressions
  • Implement policies and practices that actively support transgender and non-binary employees
  • Create a culture of inclusion that goes beyond tolerance to celebration of gender diversity
  • Provide training and education for all employees to foster a truly inclusive environment
  • Regularly assess and update practices to ensure they meet the evolving needs of LGBTQ+ employees

By taking these steps, organizations can create workplaces where all employees, regardless of gender identity, can thrive and contribute their full potential.

As a keynote speaker and DEI expert, Magda Stęga can help your organization navigate this evolving landscape, providing insights and strategies to create truly inclusive workplaces that attract and retain diverse talent.